As well as the training provided by KCC Fostering Social Work Team or your independent fostering agency, VSK also offer bespoke training for foster carers supporting Kent children.
Training includes, Paired Reading, Mathlectics, Sleep workshops etc. Please keep an eye on the events page for more information, or contact your Area Fostering Education Liason Officer.
East & South Kent - 03000 421157
West & North Kent - 03000 412777
or you can email us at
Training on Post14 and Post16 options for CiC and Care Leavers
This training covers the changes in education, developments, useful links and resources. If you are interested in arranging a session or would like further information, please email us at
Maths WhizzMaths Whizz is an online tuition programme designed to build confidence and improve understanding of mathematical ideas, through fun online learning activities.
Please watch these two video's Maths Whizz for Parents and Carers and How Maths Whizz works for Parents and Carers to find out more about how you can support your young learners in getting the most from their Maths Whizz account.
Supporting your child - how does Maths Whizz work?
A guide to Implementing Maths Whizz at home for parents and carers
For more information about Maths Whizz please contact the Virtual School Kent team or visit the Maths Whizz website
If you are unable to view the video’s please read the transcripts: Maths Whizz for Parents and Carers