
Pupil Premium Plus

The Department for Education (DfE) will allocate to Local authorities a provisional amount of £2,570 per child in Care (CiC) for at least one day, in accordance with the Conditions of Grant 2024-25. The Virtual School Headteacher is responsible for the use of Pupil Premium Plus to diminish the difference and realise the potential for all Kent children in our care, wherever they live.

The payment of this funding to schools in the 2024-25 financial year will initially be £1,200 per child in care paid in three £400 termly instalments. Any additional funding will be provided according to the needs of the child and there is no set maximum amount. This can be applied for in consultation with the VSK Assistant Head at any time in the school year. Currently targets can be set on the Kent PEP System to request additional funding – if more information is required on this please contact your VSK Assistant Head who will be happy to assist.

It is our intention to pay any agreed funding to schools as follows:

  • Instalment 1 paid in the June 2024 advance for the period up to 31st August 2024
  • Instalment 2 paid in the November 2024 advance for the period up to 31st December 2024
  • Instalment 3 paid in the February 2025 advance for the period up to 31st March 2025

If a child who is subject to a VSK agreement leaves your school before the end of term then the payment to your school will stop at the end of the current term/payment period and the funding will follow the pupil at the start of the next term/payment period with a new agreement between VSK and the new school.

FAQ's for Foster Carers - PP+ and Post16 funding

DfE Pupil Premium 2024 to 2025: Conditions of Grant

DfE Pupil Premium: Virtual School Heads' Responsibilities

DfE Pupil premium: effective use and accountability

DfE Pupil Premium Overview

Other Local Authority Children in Care

Each Local Authority has its own policy and therefore there will be variations. Kent Schools who have children and young people in care from other Local Authorities on their roll must contact the Headteacher of the relevant Virtual School to request their Pupil Premium Plus policy. The name and contact details of other Virtual School Headteachers can be requested from the Kent Virtual School team.

Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)

Virtual School Heads are also responsible for identifying and managing the Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) for Kent Children in care. This funding will be given to early years providers that CiC attend. Early Year’s providers are any organisation that offers education for children aged under 5, including nurseries and child minders. The EYPP gives providers additional funding to support children who are three or four years old and are currently in care to a local authority in England or Wales. Once the child enters Reception, they will no longer be eligible for EYPP, but may become eligible for Pupil Premium Plus. Eligibility for EYPP does not lead automatically to eligibility for Pupil Premium Plus when the child starts school.

Early Years Pupil Premium Flowchart

DfE Early Year Entitlements 2024-25 (Section 8)


VSK use resources creatively to support Kent CIC across the County with the aim of securing best outcomes for their Education. Each Area Team has used gap analysis to identify how PP+ can be used effectively to create interventions to diminish the difference. Central to each Area offer is a PP+ Support Map and each one shows possible resources/interventions that our young people and schools might access on request to the Assistant Head (subject to eligibility and remaining availability). The aim is not to duplicate any other LA resource – as per the Conditions of PP Grant or Objectives as outlined in an EHCP – but to be resourceful in targeting additional support as a ‘good parent’ would aim to do for their children.

Take a look at what Kent Children in Care can access…