

VSKAT Introduction

The Virtual School Kent Advisory Team (VSKAT) advises families, schools and the wider professionals working with either Previously Looked After Children and those children with (or who have HAD) social worker involvement in the last 6 years.

Who are Previously Looked After Children?
Previously Looked After Children are those children who have left the care of a local authority under an Adoption, Special Guardianship or Child Arrangements Order. The VSKAT is a source of advice and information to help parents and guardians of previously looked after children at education settings within Kent advocate for them as effectively as possible.

For more information please visit our Previously looked after children webpages

Who are Children with a social worker (or who have ever had a social worker)?
Any child or young person who is (or has been in the past 6 years) under a Child in Need or Child Protection Plan falls within the Children with a Social Worker cohort. It is the VSKAT’s responsibility to strategically champion the educational attendance, attainment and progress of children with a social worker.

For more information please visit our Children with a Social Worker webpages

Quick Guide to VSKAT
The Virtual School Kent Advisory Team advises and champions the two cohorts of Children with a social worker and Previously Looked After Children. The level of advice depends on which cohort the young person is in.

Quick Reference Guide for Schools and Social Workers