
Support for Care Leavers

Kent County Council - All local authorities have a legal obligation to support young people making the transition from care to independence. The KCC Local offer for care leavers provides in a single document what young people are entitled to thus assisting them in making the most out of our services that are available to them.

Additional Information Supporting the Care Leaver Offer

Social Worker and Personal Advisor University Checklist

Young Persons Higher Education Resource Checklist

Help Writing your Personal Statement

Questions for Social Worker, Independent Reviewing Officer and Foster Carer to consider in CIC Review/Pathway Plan meetings

Universities - offer a range of financial and emotional support for students including mentoring and learning support for those that need it. Please make sure that you ask your chosen universities about their financial support.

Student Loans - you can apply to Student Finance Englandfor support to cover your tuition fee costs and then living costs. This needs to be done as soon as possible; you don't need to wait until you have made your final choice to apply for this.

Accommodation - if you would like accommodation through the university then you need to ensure you apply as soon as possible for this. The universities will tell you when you can apply. You need to speak to your social worker or personal adviser about this. Check where you will live during the holiday times.

Living costs - discuss with your social worker how you will fund things you will need if living away at the university eg pots and pans. Will this come from your student loan or from the local authority?

HE Support available for care leavers in Kent

University for the Creative Arts

University of Greenwich

University of Kent