Useful Information
Useful information and websites for young people exploring their Post16 options..
Which University and what course is right for me?
Tips for anyone thinking of going to University..
Read more Which University and what course is right for me?
Thinking of going to University?
Useful information and websites for anyone thinking of going to university..
Read more Thinking of going to University?
Why courses taught in Further Education Colleges are an accessible and viable route to gaining a degree or other qualification..
Designated Member of Staff
All of the Colleges and Universities in Kent and Medway have a Designated Member of Staff as a key contact to support Children in Care and Care Leavers in Post16 education..
Read more Designated Member of Staff
Support for Care Leavers
What support is available to Kent Care Leavers?.
Read more Support for Care Leavers
Options at 16 and beyond
Young people have a duty to participate in some kind of education or training until the end of the academic year in which they are 18. Find out what options are available..
Read more Options at 16 and beyond
Vulnerable Bursary
Young people in care aged 16 to 19 are eligible for a bursary of upto £1,200 to help with education related costs if their course lasts for 30 weeks or more. Find out what this covers and how to apply..