
Personal Education Plan

A Personal Education Plan (PEP) is a document describing a course of action to help a child or young person reach their full academic and life potential. It is a legal requirement for every young person in care of statutory school age to have their PEP reviewed at least three times each academic year.

  • First review - September to December
  • Second review - January to April
  • Third review - May to July

The PEP Document is initiated by VSK which will contain some basic information, and it is then completed at a meeting attended by the designated teacher, the social worker and the carers for the young person. The views of the child or young person should also be included, either at the PEP meeting itself or through discussions outside the meeting. The PEP Document contains the information that is needed to help guide the meeting discussions, along with the planning and delivery of what is required to make sure the young person gets the support and resources they need to succeed academically. The PEP meeting is also an opportunity for additional funding to be considered (PP+).

A full PEP Document should be completed at any time of significant change:

  • when a child first comes into care
  • moves to a new care placement
  • enters a new Key Stage (years R, 7, 11)
  • changes school setting

The PEP Document is also a useful tool to keep track of a young person's progress towards their own individual SMART targets, whether short, medium or longer term.

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Assigned - to specific responsible professionals
  • Realistic - can they be achieved
  • Time constrained

PEP Documents and PEP meetings highlight the commitment that all of us as parents, carers and corporate parents have in taking joint responsibility for ensuring that our young people in care get the best out of the educational opportunities available to them.

Kent PEP System for Kent Children in Care

From 3rd June 2019 our online web-based electronic system known as ePEP was replaced by Kent PEP which is accessed by schools through a portal. A separate portal for children and foster carers is planned for the near future.

Useful Documents

Flowchart for Schools upto KS4

Kent PEP Guidance upto KS4

Kent PEP Guidance for KS5

Attainment and Progress in Schools Explained - a handy guide for foster carers and social workers, key questions to ask and things to consider.


If you require assistance please contact our **dedicated Kent PEP Team **on **03000 415353 **or email