
Criminal Injuries Compensation

What is Criminal Injuries Compensation?

  • The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) was setup in 1964 to administer the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme which is funded by the government to compensate blameless victims of violent crime in Great Britain.
  • The rules of the scheme and the value of the payments are set by Parliament and calculated by a tariff of injuries.
  • The size of the award varies to reflect the seriousness of the injury, with the minimum being £1000 and the maximum £500,000.

Who can get Compensation?

The scheme is available to any person living in England, Scotland and Wales who has been the victim of a crime of violence:
a. Physical abuse
b. Sexual abuse
c. Death of a parent as a result of a crime of violence
d. Mental Trauma caused by witnessing a crime of violence
e. Victims of Human Trafficking with physical or sexual abuse

Who do I contact for more information?

Kent County Council employs two Criminal Injuries Compensation Co-ordinators (CICC) to make applications for children in its care. If you believe that a child may be eligible please email:

What happens next?

  • The CICC will gather evidence in order to make an application and seek relevant permissions to share documents with the CICA
  • The CICA makes a decision based on the balance of probabilities – it is not necessary for a criminal conviction to have taken place or even a perpetrator identified.
  • If the decision is not acceptable then the CICC will apply for a review of the case where it is re-assessed by a more senior CICA case worker. If we are still not satisfied then KCC can appeal to a tribunal for review by an independent body.

Note: No award will be offered if it is felt that the perpetrator could benefit from the award. (i.e. if they live with them)

Payment of the award

  • If the young person is under 18 when the award is accepted the CICA will arrange for the payment to be retained in an interest bearing account until their 18th birthday.
  • Where a young person is unable to manage their financial affairs then a Trust Fund or other suitable arrangement may be setup on their behalf.

The CICA will consider advance payments from the award for the following:
a. School Trips
b. Computer & Accessories
c. Educational Needs/Extra Tuition
d. Purchase of items necessary for College course
e. Driving lessons if minor is aged 17
f. Motor car for minors aged 17 who have passed their driving test
g. First month’s rent plus the deposit for minor aged 16+ living independently
h. Purchase of baby equipment for minors who have had a baby
i. Equipment to assist minors with disabilities

Note: Awards are treated as capital. Any award of £6,000 or more will affect benefits for young people on a sliding scale up to £16,000. If the total capital is higher than £16,000 all benefits are stopped.

Useful Information