Accessing Education for UASC

Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children and Young People Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children and young people (UASCYP) have often suffered trauma and adverse childhood experiences and require additional support to make the best of educational opportunities. VSK can support schools and educational settings to ensure that this cohort of young people are given the opportunity to overcome their barriers to learning.

Accessing Educational Provisions: For young people in academic year 11 or below
Unaccompanied asylum seeking children, who are age confirmed as yr 11 or under are eligible for statutory schooling after they arrive in the UK, even whilst their asylum claims are being processed by the Home Office. This process is undertaken in Kent by the social worker completing a schools information form (SIF) after discussion with the child’s carers. Virtual School Kent (VSK) area teams in North, South, East and West can help support this process and can both provide the necessary SIF form and ensure it gets directed to the KCC schools admissions team. The KCC schools admissions team then approach the nominated school to set up a pre-admissions meeting with the carer(s), young person, social worker, and a representative of a VSK area team. Please contact Locality Assistant Heads in each locality for further information and advice on applying for a statutory school place in their regional area.

Or alternatively for any advice or information regarding new UASC arrivals contact the Steve Green, Senior Education Support Officer for UASC at

Accessing Educational Provisions: For young people in academic year 12 - 13
To discuss education provision for UASC in years 12 or 13 please contact the Post 16 team at