Kent's Corporate Parenting Panel (CPP) is a multi-agency forum made up of Kent County Council’s elected Councillors, representing all parties, as well as the multi-agency partners in Kent who are responsible for delivering good and effective Corporate Parenting for Children and Young People.
The Panel confirms the joint commitment to improving services and outcomes for children and care leavers for whom the Council is corporate parent. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Panel will be drawn from the Kent County Council’s elected Councillors.
The Panel’s role is to lead on ensuring the Corporate Parenting responsibilities of the multi-agency partnership are being met, in line with the Children’s Act 1989 sets out the general duty of the local authority in relation to children looked after by them; to safeguard and promote the welfare of these children, ensuring effective, individualised support and access to services. This duty is inclusive of both children and young people with care orders and those provided with accommodation.
Kent’s Looked After Children and Care Leavers Strategy sets out what good and effective Corporate Parenting looks like, alongside our key strategic objectives. The Strategy’s ambitions assist in the Council’s overarching vision that “Children and Young People in Kent get the best start in life”.