

Online Learning for Children in Care

VSK offer a range of educational programmes which aim to help children in care complete independent learning online, which supports them to learn more and fill in any gaps in their knowledge.

These include Literacy programmes such as Lexia, Numeracy focused programmes such as Mathletics, Maths Whizz and Times Tables Rockstars and Sam Learning which provides comprehensive revision modules in all subjects. All these programmes can be used to increase learning and, in some cases, provide reports on progress, which is useful for PEP meetings.

Use of the programmes can be built into targets in PEPs and regular use can be encouraged by Foster Carers, Social Workers and VSK Support Officers.

The content is divided into four sections:

For information and accounts for any of these featured programmes for your children in care please contact Debbie Briant, VSK Education Support Officer at: debbie.briant@kent.gov.uk