
Information for Carers looking after 15 to 18 year olds

Are you looking after a young person who is aged 15, 16 or 17 years?

Has the young person explored all options available to them?
They need to stay in education or training after 16, but there are lots of options and they need to pick the one that will help them get the future they want.

Visit the KCC Post16 Options website to find out more about College, 6th Form at School, Traineeship/Supported Internship/Apprenticeship, Working/Volunteering with training and Work Based Learning

Link in with VSK Support Staff

Contact details for the VSK team

Attended Sixth Form and College Open Days
Details of these can be found on the Kent Choices Website

Search and apply for courses via UCAS
The UCAS Website has lots of useful information and don’t forget that VSK can help track and support you throughout the application process.

Link in with the Designated Teacher (Sixth Form) or Designated Member of Staff (College)
The role of the DT/DMS is to be the key contact at the Sixth Form/College for all involved with the young person. They can meet the young person before applying, support them with viewing the Sixth Form/College, provide support during the course and support at review meetings. Why not invite them to the PEP at the young person’s school in year 11?

It is helpful if you are able to attend the interview with the young person to provide them with some extra support. Make sure that the young person is open and honest about any support they may need during their post 16 plans, i.e. will they require learning support? It is important to have these discussions early to ensure that there is a smooth transition from School and any additional support is put in place from the start. Find out about entry requirements and what happens if they don’t meet them.

Financial Support
Has the young person applied for the bursary? Once the young person has been accepted on a course they should complete the bursary form. A bursary is available up to the value of £1,200 per academic year for Children in Care and Care Leavers studying fill time to support them with educational related costs for College and Sixth Form. Contact the DMS at the College about this or speak to the Finance team at school.

Note: VSK can’t provide funding for travel costs to/from College. If the young person does not have a Freedom Bus Pass they can use some of the funds from their bursary to cover travel.


  • Attended Open Day
  • Contacted DT/DMS
  • Made Post16 Application
  • Attended Interview
  • Applied for Bursary
  • Explored all Options
  • Back-up Plan
  • Linked with VSK